RMIT University study reported ENAR was used for a wide variety of problems.

N.B. Please Note – Effectiveness is not indicated by problems being listed by users. University peer-reviewed randomised research trials constitute adequate evidence of effectiveness.


Aches And Pains Eczema Muscle Pain Sleep problems
Achiles Tendon Strain Fatigue Muscle Sprain Sore Throat
Acne Fibromyalgia Pain Muscle Tightness Sports Injuries
Addisons Disease Fluid Build Up Narrowing of tear ducts Sprained Ankle
Angina/Heart Attack Frozen Shoulder Nausea Sprains
Ankle Injury General Immune Health Neck Pain Stomach Cramps
Ankle Stiffness/Swelling General Relaxation Neck Stiffness Stress
Anxiety Golfer’s Elbow Nerve Damage Surgical Wound
Arthritic Pains Hand Stiffness Nervousness Swelling of Hands
Asthma Head Aches OCD Swimmer’s Ear
Back Pain Heart Palpitations Pain from cancer Swollen Glands
Bipolar Disorder Heberden’s Nodes Plantar Faciitis Tennis Elbow
Bladder Problems Heel Spur Poor Circulation Tension Headaches
Bruises Hip Pain Prostate Thyroid Under Active
Burns Hives Rehab post surgery Recovery after sport
Bursitis Right Hip Hormone Imbalance Restless Leg Syndrome Toothache
Carpal Tunnel Infection Rheumatoid Arthritis Trigeminal Neuralgia
Chilblains Insect Bites Sciatica Trigger Points
Cold And Flu Symptoms Insomnia Rotator Cuff Problems Unable To Communicate Feelings
Hay Fever Lazy Eye Repetitive Strain Urinary Tract Infection
Constipation Leg Cramps Scar Tissue Varicose Veins
Cramps Joint Injuries Shoulder Dislocation Vascular Necrosis
Cuts Abrasions Ligament Pain Shoulder Stiffness Vasculitis
Cysts On Ovaries Low Energy Levels Sinus Pain Weight Gain
De Quervain’s Disorder Menopause Skin Allergies Wound Healing
Depression Menstrual Pain Skin Graft Wrinkles In Face
Digestion Problems Mental Fog Skin Problems Wrist Sprain
Diverticulitis Pain Migraine Skin Rejuvenation Whole Body Pain
Duputryn’s Contracture Mouth Ulcers Skin Tingling